Apr 11, 2011

busy nak "??????" @_@

the story after "berzaman" x update..muahaha

Chapter 1

it's been a while...
how lazy I am to update this thing...muahaha...
update!! update!!! yeah~~~
but then,
no words are coming out of my head right now..(?_?)
hurm... monday blues i guess..

this past few months~~
i don't know how to describe it actually...
hurm...(thinking... thinking...)

with everything going around,
things just pop out of no where,
presentations comes crashing down...
assignments keeps stealing my times..
huh~~ -_-
i just wanna shout at the top of my lungs!!!
aarrgghhhh!!!!!(kunun2 la..)

somehow i end taking my study seriously...
and my life just seems busy nak mampus!! waa!!!!
with all my strength I wish I can run away...
(well, not really.. just wanna have a break for my self lol...hehehe)

Chapter 2

sejak 2 menjak masuk mestech nie, kepelbagaian yg berlaku...
banyak bende la jadi...
nak cite banyak bebeno... dipendekkan cite, beginilah jadinye...

bebaru je nie, dikejutkan dgn cite yg terkejut...
mmg x kesangkaan la... tapi dah ditakdirkan cmtu...
ntah nape, cam insaf skit... sedey pun ada la jgak...

Chapter 3

disebabkan kesibukkan yg nak mampus nie,
ramai org telah diwat x taukan...
so, the very the sorry ok...
jangan la trase ke, amik hati ke...
tapi kalo trase gak, korang pnye suka la kan...hahaha...

falsapah idup terbaru skang : " wat u give, u get back"
if you make some effort to meet me, then i'll do the same...
if not, "ada aku kesah.." senang cite ok...

for those that always msg2 me yg x kenal penat lelah tu... maceh2..
terharu gler ar...
walopun kadang2 x ter'reply' msg... kome msg jgak...

Chapter 4

sejak 2 menjak nie, emosi nie cam tsunami pun ada gak...
x pasal2, ada yg terkene tempias emoticon..hahaha...
also the very the sorry ok...
bila dah stress tu, volume kadang2 tertinggi banyak skit...
kadang2 tu "mute" je trus...
paham2 la ye...
bila bercampur dengan masalah jiwa,
mentaliti x kesampaian ke transition state...hahahaha...
but right now, mix of feelings~~

nota kaki : ntah bile nak hapdate lepas nie... muahaha... :p

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